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Wall Comment: #1024

Gwynn Socolich
I'm working on a large project on Riddell family from Scotland (borders area excluding Roxburgshire prior to 1620) to Northern Ireland(1620 to 1750) to Londonderry, New Hampshire parts of which became...
Gwynn Socolich
Working with cousin in law Irene Wilson whose husband's ancestor Mary Wilson married my ancestor Hugh Riddle in Northern Ireland. I've done lots of research on the Londonderry county and Down Riddle families in Northern Ireland. I don't know much about the Riddle family from Antrim or Belfast but t...
Sue Ellen McCann
Hi Gwynn, I'm working on a family project of the McCann family from Northern Ireland. I have found an Andrew McCann (1640-1690) of Derry, Ireland married to a Mary Riddell (b. 1641-2 to ?). Her parents were Hugh Riddle and Mary Katie Wilson. The record shows they had a son John D. McCann (1666-175...