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Topic: edinburgh

Nadine Lee
Edinburgh Tattoo Delights Thousands
Fireworks over Edinburgh Castle Throughout the month of August in Edinburgh, look up to the sky above Edinburgh Castle at approximately 10:30pm and you'll be greeted with a spectacular firework dis...
Nadine Lee
The Sonny Sonny Banks of Loch Lomond
In the little community of Marchmont in Edinburgh, one of the interesting characters you’ll see about the streets is Sonny Fascia, otherwise known as DJ Sonny. I first met Sonny at the cosy pub in th...
Nadine Lee
Map Reveals Scots Modern-Day Surnames
A map of Great Britain’s most popular surnames shows the dominance that clan areas still hold in Scotland, while other areas show the effects of modern-day immigration. Created by experts from three...
Nadine Lee
Braveheart Impersonator Charged With Firearms Offences
Adam Watters – Braveheart Impersonator. Photo courtesy of Deadline News A Braveheart impersonator has been charged with firearms offences after police received a complaint about “a man with a blue fac...