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Scottish News

Bonnie Prince Henry?
A portrait thought to be of Bonnie Prince Charlie, purchased by the Scottish National Portrait Gallery back in 1994 for £22,000, is in actual fact 'probably his brother', Prince Henry, the museum ha...
Alex Salmond's Christmas Card Too 'Political'
Alex Salmond's annual Christmas card has been criticised by members of the opposition parties because of its inclusion of the St. Andrew's Cross. Both David McLetchie, Scottish Conservative chief w...
Robert Burns - Greatest Scot of all time...?
As part of the Homecoming Scotland celebrations, a poll was held by STV to see who the public believes the greatest ever Scot is. Thousands of people were said to have voted from the list of 35 nomi...
Glasgow's New Church Is Going To Be Rubbish
A new church is set to be built in Glasgow made out of recycled items ranging from empty beer cans to bales of straw. The church, theatre, and community centre will be situated in Milton, north Glas...
South Korean Firm Buys Lochcarron of Scotland
E-Land, one of the largest retail and fashion firms in South Korean, has bought over knitwear firm Lochcarron of Scotland, it has been confirmed. The owners of the Selkirk based company, John Buchan L...
Royal Middleton Roots
Gordon Casely, a heritage consultant in Aberdeen, has inadvertently discovered that Prince William was a direct descendant of a 17th century Middleton from the small town of Luthermuir in south Aberd...
Amanda Moffet
Murder on Goatfell, Arran
In 1889 the body of Edwin Robert Rose was discovered on Arran's famous mountain Goatfell. The corpse had been hidden beside a boulder, behind a wall of rocks. His head had been smashed in. Edwin ...
Topics: Arran, Murder
Amanda Moffet
Plans announced for 'Bannockburn 700′
The Scottish government has also designated 2014 as Scotland's second year of homecoming. The first took place in Edinburgh 2009. It was a hugely important event for Scottish Clans all around the ...
Amanda Moffet
Proud ScotClans customer's son is lone piper
Just had an email from one of our customers to thank us for a kilt pin she had just received. She also told us that her son Marshall had played with the Royal Scots Dragoon & Coldstream when they w...
Amanda Moffet
New Bannockburn Heritage Centre for 2014
This is an artists impression of what the site will look like when the centre is opened for the 700th anniversary of the battle of Bannockburn in 2014. The Heritage Centre is currently a rather dre...
Topics: Bannockburn, battles
Nadine Lee
Highland Clearances Influence Composer
Robert Aitken's new soundtrack 'Kildonan' A new soundtrack by a Scottish composer has been influenced by the infamous Highland Clearances of the 18th and 19th Centuries. Kildonan, the latest work by...
Nadine Lee
Terrorising Owl at Large in Inverness
Feathered Foe Remains on the Loose Here's a strange case of life imitating art from Inverness, with news just in that rivals Hitchcock's 1963 horror The Birds: A giant Eagle Owl is to blame for at...
Nadine Lee
Chief of Clan Macnab Dies
Clan Macnab - Timor Omnis Abesto (Let fear be far from all) We are very saddened to hear news that James Charles Macnab, 23rd Chief of Clan Macnab, died on January 11 aged 86. Macnab served as a mem...
Nadine Lee
Chanel's Scottish Inspiration
French fashion powerhouse Chanel recently hosted it's annualMetiers d'Arts show at Linlithgow Palace just outside of Edinburgh, showcasing a contemporary interpretation of traditional Scottish crafts...
Topics: Chanel, Fashion, Tartan, tweed
Nadine Lee
MacNeil Land Claims on Barra and Vatersay Islands
MacNeil of Barra - Buaidhi no bas (To conquer or die) A land ownership storm is brewing on the islands of Barra and Vatersay in the Outer Hebrides. The late Ian MacNeil, 46th Chief of Clan MacNeil, ...