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Scottish Myths & Legends

Amanda Moffet
ScotClans to attend Lafayette seance 100 years after hi...
Tonight we are attending possibly the weirdest event I'm possibly ever going to go to - a seance on the place where the famous illusionist, The Great Lafayette died 100 years ago - today!. A centur...
Amanda Moffet
The Scottish Bodach
A Bodach is a mythical spirit or creature, rather like the bogeyman. The word is a Scottish Gaelic term for "old man". Historically its meaning is "mature person", from bod "penis" and the suffix -ach...
Amanda Moffet
Clan MacPhee/MacFie Descended from a Selkie
The origins of Clan MacFie/MacPhee and all it's name variations are said to be descended from a Selkie or seal woman. Selkies are a mythical people who can change from human form to seal form with ...
Topics: MacFie, MacPhee
Amanda Moffet
Evil Laird Pringle and the Haunting of Buckholm Tower
One evening in the 1680s, as the light was starting to fade and the colour of day drained away turning eveything to grey an ominous dark character can be seen striding over Ladhope Moor with two lar...
Topics: Clan Pringle
Amanda Moffet
MacQueen's battle with the last Wolf
One of the visitors to our site has told us about a MacQueen legend. She found it on a microfiche taken from a book published in the about Clan MacQueen, which is now sadly out of print. There...