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Scottish History

'The Scottish Clans' e-book now available from ScotClan...
Do you have a kindle? Because ScotClans can now proudly present an e-book version of their extensive clan histories. 'The Scottish Clans' features brief histories of over 300 Clans and Armigerous fam...
Nadine Lee
The Legend of Twinlaw Cairns
The Twinlaw Cairns, Lammermuir Hills, East Lothian This weekend I visited my friends in the countryside, as I had heard there was going to be snow. Being from a semi-tropical climate, snow is still...
Nadine Lee
MSP Calls for Macbeth Review
Imagined 19th Century Portrait of Macbeth Prompted by historical revisions to Richard III's reign upon discovery of his remains, Scottish MSP Alex Johnstone has called for a motion in parliament to ...
Nadine Lee
Clan Douglas and The Battle of Ancrum Moor
Archibald Douglas In 1545 the aptly titled War of Rough Wooing was in full, ruthless swing. In order to gain Scotland’s allegiance to England, King Henry VIII employed the curious tactic of scorching...
Nadine Lee
Learn to Speak Norn For Only £120
A dictionary of an extinct language spoken only in the remote Scottish Highlands has been uncovered in an English charity shop. The two-volume Norn Dictionary was anonymously donated to the Willow Bu...
Nadine Lee
The Road to Dere Street
Just off the A68 on the outskirts of the Scottish Borders, a small sign points towards the remnants of an ancient highway. Known as Dere Street, the road was once a bustling hive of Roman (and later ...
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Nadine Lee
That's a Wrap! Scotland on Screen
With an overabundance of stunning landscapes and picturesque castles, it's no wonder Scotland is a favourite calling card for film and television location scouts. Here are my top five Scottish locatio...
Nadine Lee
Glencoe Plaque Found in Edinburgh Antique Shop
The Glencoe Massacre Site Plaque - Image courtesy Deadline News A plaque commemorating the victims of the Glencoe Massacre has been discovered in an Edinburgh antique shop, 40 years after it went m...
Amanda Moffet
The Witches of Logie
This weekend we have been staying at the lovely Witches Craig campsite, just a stones throw (well maybe a few throws) away from The Wallace Monument at Abbey Craig. Next to the campsite are the remain...
Nadine Lee
Clan Campbell Mausoleum Restoration Begins
The dome topped mausoleum in front of Kilmun Parish Church Work has begun on restoring the final resting place of twenty generations of Campbell chiefs. Built in 1798, the current mausoleum is on th...
Nadine Lee
Mary, Queen of Scots Returns to Edinburgh
Chambers Street, Edinburgh In August 1561 Mary, Queen of Scots returned to Edinburgh from France as a Catholic queen in a newly reformed Protestant Scotland. Initially greeted with crowds curious t...
Nadine Lee
Edinburgh Named Redheaded Capital of the UK
Researchers from Britain's DNA have produced the first ever map of redheaded nations and cities, with Edinburgh coming out on top in full ginger bloom. The study found that 40% of the Scottish capita...
Topics: Red Hair, Edinburgh
Nadine Lee
Home to Hume
Clan Hume Gathering at Hume Castle, 08/09/2013 Earlier in September Amanda and I traveled to the Scottish Borders to spend an afternoon at Hume Castle, where part of this years Clan Hume/Home gathe...
Nadine Lee
Top 5: Whisky of the Clans
Intrinsically linked like bread and butter, whisky and the Clans are about as all things Scot as you're going to get. Here are our top five links between the water of life and Scotland's oldest famili...
Nadine Lee
A History of Christmas in Scotland
Edinburgh at Christmas Time It's hard to imagine that once upon a time Christmas was banned for over 400 years in Scotland. Today shops are full of anything and everything Christmas related you cou...