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Scottish History

Amanda Moffet
Titanic's secret saviour - the Countess of Rothes
On the night that the Titanic sank, one woman, the Countess of Rothes, put the welfare of others before her own, working tirelessly to row them to safety. Angela Young tells her great-grandmother’s in...
Topics: Titanic
Amanda Moffet
The Year of Sheep - Scots Protest against The Highland ...
The year of Homecoming is upon us, when expats and people from abroad with Scottish blood return to their homeland to celebrate all things Scottish. But 217 years ago, the Government were doing qu...
Topics: Clearances
Castle Sinclair Girnigoe's Restoration Completed
On Sunday (01/08) Castle Sinclair Girnigoe will open to the public after a ten-year long restoration. The £700,000 facelift will try to help preserve the castle's archeological and historical import...
The Cameron Men
The name Cameron originates from the Gaelic words 'cam', meaning wry or crooked, and 'sron' meaning nose, suggesting that the progenitor of the Clan Cameron had a crooked nose! Cameron is one of th...
Scottish Soldier's VC and Cannonball sells for £1/4m.
A set of medals, including the Victoria Cross, and a cannonball, has sold at auction for £252,000, more than doubling its predicted £120,000 price. The medals, which were awarded to John Simpson Kno...
Battle of Prestonpans site changes
A team of archaeologists led by Dr. Tony Pollard from the University of Glasgow's Centre for Battlefield Archaeology (Guard) have concluded in a report that the 1745 Battle of Prestonpans probably too...
The Font Stone
If you're walking through the Abriachan Gardens you will come across a heart-shape stone which is deeply embedded in the ground called the Font Stone. The flat rock has a hole in the middle which is f...
The Westford Knight
What is claimed as a carving on a glacial boulder in the town of Westford, in Massachusetts, USA, is argued to be proof that an expedition, led by Henry Sinclair, Earl of Orkney, landed on the North...
Stewart Stamp Series Issued by Royal Mail
A new series of stamps by the Royal Mail have been issued, depicting each of the Stewart monarchs who ruled Scotland between 1406 and 1603, the year of the Union of the Crowns. The series starts wi...
Bonnie Prince Henry?
A portrait thought to be of Bonnie Prince Charlie, purchased by the Scottish National Portrait Gallery back in 1994 for £22,000, is in actual fact 'probably his brother', Prince Henry, the museum ha...