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Scottish Humour

Nadine Lee
'World's Worst Poet' Has Last Laugh
Scottish Poet William McGonagall dubbed 'world's worst' A handwritten, unpublished work by a Scottish music hall performer known as the world's worst poet is set to fetch thousands of pounds at au...
Amanda Moffet
Stovies by Dustin Hoffman
This made me chuckle. For those of you that don't know Stovies are basically a load of old leftovers, usually from a Sunday Roast. ...
Topics: stovies
Amanda Moffet
High Visibility Kilts
Now here's a kilt that stands out - even at night! A Sweedish company Luckily Blaklader has offered up another choice option for those working construction jobs at night. So maybe don't look up...
Topics: Kilts!
Amanda Moffet
The craziest kilt pic I've ever seen
Came across this picture, thought I'd share it. It's from Spain's annual bull-running festival in the northern town of Pamplona....
Topics: kilt
Nadine Lee
An Unlikely Jacobite Hero
  A number of molehills have sprung up across the battlefield site at Culloden, much to the delight of a Jacobite supporters group. The Circle of Gentlemen – a Highland based Jacobite supporters socie...
Nadine Lee
Bus Driver Says 'Kilt Wearing Scots are Lucky'
A bus driver in the northern Swedish town of Umea has begun wearing a skirt to work as temperatures sore past 25C. Mats Lundgren decided to find a trouser alternative when his boss turned down h...
Topics: Kilt, skirt, Sweden
 like this.
Nadine Lee
English Historian Claims Haggis
An English food historian has declared Haggis as an English delicacy, claiming the Scottish origins of the dish are as “made up” as tartan. Peter Brears has described Haggis as a ‘fine English dish’ ...
 like this.
Nadine Lee
Why is Scotland so.... Google Reveals All
Internet search giant Google has revealed questions the world wants to know about Scotland, unfortunately showing rather unflattering results. The auto-complete feature imbedded in the search engine ...
Nadine Lee
Nessie Strikes Again!
An amateur photographer has captured pictures and video footage of a 'large, black object' moving beneath the waters of Loch Ness, sparking fresh debate about the existence of the famous monster. The...
Nadine Lee
Edinburgh Named Redheaded Capital of the UK
Researchers from Britain's DNA have produced the first ever map of redheaded nations and cities, with Edinburgh coming out on top in full ginger bloom. The study found that 40% of the Scottish capita...
Topics: Red Hair, Edinburgh
Amanda Moffet
New fashion of getting a Sgian Dubh tattooed
We recently had a comment on a post about Sgian Dubhs being banned at events telling us of a new craze going across America at the moment – getting Sgian Dubhs tattooed! This is particularly popular ...
Topics: sgain dubh
Nadine Lee
'Tossing the Caber' Too Easy
Organisers at this years Pitlochry Highland Games were forced to replace the caber with a heavier pole when complaints were received after last years event. Traditionally only top heavyweight athlete...
Nadine Lee
Bobby Update - Police Launch Investigation
Greyfriar's nose shines again Last week we reported that Edinburgh's famous Greyfriar's Bobby statue had undergone restoration work after years worth of tourists rubbing his nose for good luck. Les...
Nadine Lee
A Right Dundee United
Here's something to keep in mind if you're ever visiting Nigeria - If someone calls you a 'Dundee United', it's probably not a compliment. The Scottish football club's name has been appropriated as...
Nadine Lee
Hundreds of Piping Santas Advance on Edinburgh
Bagpipe playing Santa Clauses descended on Edinburgh's Princes Street Gardens over the weekend, to help warm up runners at the city's annual Santa Run. Hundreds of runners and walkers dressed as Santa...