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Judson Walker Greene

Lives in  Massachusetts United States ·
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Status Update: #882

Judson Walker Greene
morning all - or afternoon - or maybe even evening.

i'll make it easy - hello all!!!!!!!
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Judson Walker Greene
Hey there Glenna. how ya doin'?
Glenna Davidson Brock
Doin'good. Back to the grind! Weekends are too short!
Judson Walker Greene
ALWAYS, too short. i'm liking the idea of a 3 day work week.... lol
Elizabeth Flintoff
Hi Jud, its been a lovely hot day here in the North of England, sun is still shining at its 7pm now
Elizabeth Flintoff
Its the same in my home town - Edinburgh so that cant be bad especially for the Tattoo
Judson Walker Greene
Hey Elizabeth, it's very hot here, pushing 33C/90F and the humidity is on the rise. if it's as hot for the Tattoo, i hope they all drink lots of water to get through it all. ya don't want them all dropping to the ground because they are dehydrated.
Elizabeth Flintoff
no Jud definately not as hot as that but still good for Scotland haha
Marilyn Sloper
Ok, I have to ask....What are the "Tattoo"'s you are mentioning??? Chickens? Cows? A type of squash?
Judson Walker Greene
Marilyn, its the Military Tattoo, when a bunch of bag pipe bands perform in front Edinburgh Castle and then for the finally, they all perform together, fireworks - just a great time. i've have not been there to see it, yet. but it is really very crowded during that time. they also have "The Edinb...
Marilyn Sloper
Ooooh. Sounds wonderful. Sure wish I could be there to see/hear everything. Bagpipes; They are what the angels play when no one's looking.
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