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Lock Ness

Judson Walker Greene

Lives in  Massachusetts United States ·
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Status Update: #854

Judson Walker Greene
morning all
Diane Cupp
good morning, looks like Ullapool is added to our trip next yr...I haven't been there yet.
Judson Walker Greene
Cool. I've not been there either. sounds like u r gunna have a great time.
Diane Cupp
well....if you put 10 women on the same coach for 10 days, some who enjoy whisky a bit much, it makes for a good time. 5 of which are
Judson Walker Greene
You are too much. LOL
Diane Cupp
I am the ring
Judson Walker Greene
of that, I have no doubt. hahahaha
Glenna Davidson Brock
I'm late, so good afternoon Jud!
Glenna Davidson Brock
Sorry, don't know why that sent twice. Have a doubly good afternoon!
Judson Walker Greene
Aye, afternoon to ya, Glenna
Judson Walker Greene
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