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Judson Walker Greene

Lives in  Massachusetts United States ·
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Status Update: #843

Judson Walker Greene
morning, afternoon, evening to all .... wherever you my reside.
Judson Walker Greene
Glenna, i still work. she is taking today and the next 3 days for a bit of vaction time, so she and a friend are going to New Hampshire to some store to get craft items, then later on tonight she'll stay at her friends' house and others friends will show up and they will be making cards - stamps, g...
Glenna Davidson Brock
Ah well, work comes first. Sounds like she's going to have fun though. An evening all to yourself can be nice too! Enjoy Jud!
Judson Walker Greene
it will allow me to work on my part in an upcoming play in Oct. I'm playing a wounded Confederate Soldier, needing to write my will; and the lawyer turned out to be Pres Lincoln, and it was just the day after the Gettysburg speech.
Deb Logan Nixon
Hey Jud! First...great day! Second...send me some rain...Third...What fun to being the play!!
Judson Walker Greene
Hey ya Deb. aye it's still a good day. plants need the water. wish i could send ya some rain. the plays and Masonic Degrees (the ritual has to be from memory), both keep my mind active having to memorize lines.
Deb Logan Nixon
I hear ya on the Masonic Degrees....tons of memory work, but it does exercise the gray matter!
Judson Walker Greene
yup it does. aye, the Lincoln play is a "decommissioned Scottish Rite Degree" now a play. that is in Oct early then i have another part in a Degree for Scottish Rite in Boston, for first wknd in Nov.
Glenna Davidson Brock
How interesting Jud! That does sound like fun!
Deb Logan Nixon
Keep us posted!
Judson Walker Greene
studied a little, other things came up .... "and so it goes", thank-you Linda Ellerbee for a great phrase.
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