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October 4, 2015 by
It's been a windy, cold day here today. When the wind blows, so many acorns fall out of the Oak trees that it sounds like it's raining. Will be time to get the wood stove going soon. Will also be t...
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Deb Logan Nixon
I want some pumpkins!!! I'm home from our camping trip and getting out the Halloween/Autumn decorations. Love this time of year!
Marilyn Sloper
Deb, I adore pumpkins. It's not autumn unless I have at least a couple of pumpkins beside my front door. The whole month of October is so much fun for me. Farm fresh apple cider, cider doughnuts, pumpkin pies, pumpkin cakes, pumpkin muffins.....Ice with cream cheese frosting....yum!
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