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Iida Ruishalme

Lives in Switzerland ·
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Iida Ruishalme
Iida Ruishalme
Hello Clan Udney!

I'm thrilled to find records tracing back my line of ancestry to one Guilhelmus 'William' Andresson Udnie of Tillery, born 1546, of the Scottish Udnie clan in Aberdeen, gandson to Ran...
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Timi Kruth
Hey. This is the same person. you can trace your ancestors trough peter williamson udnie really far... REALLY far, like more than 1000 years far. Im using site but there is many similiar sites on the net. Try some of those.
Iida Ruishalme
Yes, it's been a fun way to look at history, because through Udnies, you get to the English and French nobility, and since the nobility all cross-married, you get to dozens of kings and queens of Europe. The Vikings too. Through them, it continues in documented lines all the way to Rome, Charlemagne...
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