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Robert The Bruce

Phillip Arron McKenzie

Lives in Los Angeles, California United States ·
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Status Update: #821

Phillip Arron McKenzie
Just checking in to say hello!
  likes this.
Deb Logan Nixon
Welllll hello!
Marilyn Sloper
Hi Phillip! How has your day been? This is my first time on Tartan today. Am in the midst of washing all of the winter comforters and thick blankets while it's hot enough to get them dried on the clothesline. Why use the dryer when the sun is free? LOL!
Glenna Davidson Brock
I like that fresh smell of blankets and sheets hung on a clothesline!
Marilyn Sloper
You and me, both, hon! Nothing makes laundry smell better than fresh air and sunshine!
Marilyn Sloper
Ever notice how great it feels to sleep between sheets fresh off of the clothesline? Best night's sleep ever, every time.
Phillip Arron McKenzie
Sorry I haven't been on line. Hope you are having a blessed day!
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