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Tartan Footprint helps you connect and share with Scottish people in your life.
Robert The Bruce

Phillip Arron McKenzie

Lives in Los Angeles, California United States ·
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Phillip Arron McKenzie
I snapped this with my iPhone one day whilst visiting Stirling castle.
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Such an atmospheric photograph.
Phillip Arron McKenzie
Thank you. The day was summer with warm and cool air dancing about making for great clouds.
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Phillip Arron McKenzie
Really. Incredible.
Phillip Arron McKenzie
My 4th great Grandfather was Henry Morrison McKenzie from North Carolina.
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Phillip Arron McKenzie
This shot was taken from the bridge on the way to Ocean Terminal Mall in Leith, Edinburgh Scotland.
Phillip Arron McKenzie
Here is another one of my websites. Enjoy.
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Phillip Arron McKenzie
Leith Harbour where I used to live.
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Amanda Moffet
can nearly see our new office we'll be moving into next month, it's just on the right.
Phillip Arron McKenzie
Really. Incredible.
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Phillip Arron McKenzie
Check out my website at for cool pic of Scotland.
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Phillip Arron McKenzie
I am used to hearing the names. I used to live in Leith and Glasgow before that for a few years.
Phillip Arron McKenzie
That looks like it was at the botanical gardens in Glasgow. Cool piece of memorabilia.
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