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Marilyn Sloper

Lives in Royalston, Massachusetts United States ·
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Wall Comment: #522

Deborah j Baer
Hi Marilyn..this is Debbie.
Im glad to have found you.
If you want to talk you can email me...
  likes this.
Marilyn Sloper
Hi Debbie. It's been a long time. I will email you.
Marilyn Sloper
Debbie, your email doesn't work. Perhaps you meant gmail.....
Deborah j Baer
Yes gmail
Marilyn Sloper
I sent you an email at your gmail account.
Deborah j Baer
Deborah j Baer
Do you have email?
My # is 4026067554
Or FB Deborah j Saucier Baer.
Marilyn Sloper
I found you on FB. Phoning isn't a great idea because I live halfway up a mountain in the woods where my cell phone service keeps going in/out. Email is my preferred communication with everyone because the computer works much better than the cell phone.
Marilyn Sloper
My email:
Deborah j Baer
Ok...i will gmail when i get homeߘ
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