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Diane Cupp

Lives in Glendale, Arizona United States ·
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Status Update: #930

Diane Cupp
Monday, lots to get done today. have to drive across town this morning. Prayers for a friends son, severe head trauma from auto accident. thanks
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Marilyn Sloper
Oh my! Will keep him and his family/friends in prayer. Keep us posted on how he's doing, whenever you can.
Diane Cupp
thank you, still in ICU, will be long road for this young man. He is 20
Marilyn Sloper
Thank you for this update, Diane. Prayers can help shorten the road. Wish we all could do more for him and his family.
Diane Cupp
update on Holden, he is off the respirator as of yesterday. starting the light PT on his muscles. it will be a long road for him but the prognosis is looking better. they are still unsure of his motor skills
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