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Tartan Footprint helps you connect and share with Scottish people in your life.
Barbara Valenti

Barbara Valenti

Lives in Aloha, Oregon United States ·
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Last Login:
August 29, 2013
Member Since:
February 15, 2013
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About Me

Born in Ontario, Canada and moved to Oregon with my husband in 1980. We have six children, ten grandchildren and six greats! I was raised in a little town composed mainly of English, Irish and Scottish folks with a sprinkling of others. My granddad came to Canada right after WWI was over and brought his family later. My dad's family has been here since 1620 of English descent. I have always identified with my Scottish heritage and even more so as I grow older.

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Crazy about Avatar, love The Wizard of Oz. I enjoy watching movies from the '40's.


I have always participated in some form of dance and/or music. From Scottish Country Dance to Hula; from singing songs of the 30's and 40's with a band to singing with the "Sweet Adelines" or a church choir. Latley I've managed to get my 12 year old grandson involved with a Pipe Band in Portland. He has had drum lessons for three years and after taking him to the Portland Highland Games last summer he said he could listen to that music all day long, much to my delight. I immediately signed him up with the Portland Metro Youth Pipe Band and he is doing quite well. We are hoping to come to Scotland for competition with the band in two years. I am so excited I could burst!


I have an eclectic taste in music appreciating most forms, but rap.