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Tartan Footprint helps you connect and share with Scottish people in your life.


Lives in Austin, Texas United States ·
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Status Update: #147

Hi folks. Im new to the site and looking to make friends in Scotland. I'm planning a trip there in 2014 and would like to know what I need to do and see while there. Also, I cant seem to upload photos...
Amanda Moffet
Hi there
There is a file size limit for photo - 500k. That may be the issue. There is a problem uploading them from an iPad/iPhone that requires you to install an app.
Hi and Thank you Amanda. I just got one to upload in a "post" but not to my profile. Its the same pic Ive been trying to uplaod there but only worked here lol
Amanda Moffet
Hi Jim - hope you don't mind, I dived in and changed your profile photo for you. You can change it by clicking on your name (which takes you to your profile page) hover over your profile photo and click 'change picture'. The rest should be self explanatory.
Hi Amanda. Thank you so much, but how did you do that? Can you do that to anyone?? Without their password? WOW, We need to talk! lol
Amanda Moffet
I'm admin - so have the power to change user details - will try not to abuse this power, could change everyone's photos to something amusing if I so wished.
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