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Nadine Lee»Blogs

Lives in Edinburgh, United Kingdom ·
Nadine Lee
Romancing the Stone: Curling's Scottish Heritage
On Thin Ice - Team GB at Sochi Olympic Games 2014 Who could have thought that a sport whose humble beginnings can be traced back five centuries to a frozen Scottish lake, would become one of the bi...
Nadine Lee
Clan Event Fund Recipients Announced
Recipients of the Scottish Government's Clan Event Fund were announced today, with over £26,000 in funding awarded to clan events as part of 2014 Homecoming Scotland celebrations. Enterprise and Tour...
Nadine Lee
Hands Across Hadrian's Wall
Hadrian's Wall A Tory MP has called for 100,000 Britons to hold hands across Hadrian's Wall this summer, in order to prevent Scotland voting for independence. Once used as a defensive fortification...
Nadine Lee
Macbeth News: Blockbuster Set to Film on Skye, Windfarm...
Macbeth Illustration The Isle of Skye has been confirmed as a shooting location for the latest version of Macbeth to take to the silver screen. The Hollywood blockbuster, starring Oscar contender M...
Nadine Lee
Glencoe Plaque Found in Edinburgh Antique Shop
The Glencoe Massacre Site Plaque - Image courtesy Deadline News A plaque commemorating the victims of the Glencoe Massacre has been discovered in an Edinburgh antique shop, 40 years after it went m...