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Cowal, Easter 2013

April 6, 2013 by
We spent Easter 2013 in Sandbank, just north of Dunoon. It was a fantastic two weeks and we discovered many new and interesting places. We will no doubt pass this way again when we explore more in the summer
Clark Family Headstones at Kilmun Church, Cowal
Douglas arms on Mausoleum, Kilmun Church, Cowal
Douglas Mausoleum, Kilmun Church, Cowal
Campbell Mausoleum, Kilmun Church, Cowal
St Munns Tower, Kilmun Church Argyll
Campbell Monument, Kilmun Church, Cowal
Kilmun Church, Cowal
Kilmun Church, Argyll
Kilmun Church and St Munn's tower
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