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October 17, 2015 by
October 17, 2015
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Famous, infamous or just a poor lost soul... Tibbie Tamson From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Tibbie Tamson was a Scottish woman, who lived in Selkirk, in the Scottish Borders, in the 18...
  likes this.
Deb Logan Nixon
What a sad tale! I'm glad Mr. Stewart, if true, tried to help. In any case, RIP Tibbie!
Marilyn Sloper
Poor lady. At least she is at peace now. God Bless you, Ms. Tibbie.
Glenna Davidson Brock
very sad!
Stirling Thompson
Sorry this was so hard to read. I lost the formatting when I copied in the story and I don't know if its possible to edit a post once its been shared.
Marilyn Sloper
Stirling, I had no trouble reading it. It was just a looooong paragraph. The important thing is that you posted it because it was very interesting. Thanks for making sure everyone got the chance to learn about this lady, even if the formatting didn't work out. There's always next time.
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