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Posted Fort William 1936 shows main rd from Corpach to Fort William

February 12, 2013 by
Posted Fort William 1936 shows main rd from Corpach to Fort William
February 12, 2013
File Size:
25.51 kb
Battle Wins:
A830- Fort William to Corpach rd 1936
Linda Boyd
Vintage photos are awesome
Tommy Boyle
The only way you would recognise this now is by Ben Nevis in the background,its so built up.
Chas Mac Donald
Wow, that is one altered place now! I worked on Blar Mòr for a few years in the 90s. It was more built up then, especially with Lochaber High School. But it is quite different now. there's ever a big roundabout being built not far from where those cows are. Anyway, and good photograph of that part o...
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