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Tartan Footprint helps you connect and share with Scottish people in your life.
Kilchurn Castle.

helen borsok

Lives in Murmansk, Russian Federation · Born on May 12, 1973
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helen borsok
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helen borsok
My books about Scotland. Scottish Castles.From Edinburgh to Inverness. By Henry Morton
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Iain Sanders
Thank you for the friends add Helen.
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helen borsok
Thank YOU. I am from Scotster.Have been there since January 2011. But now that site is going to be closed. That's a pity! And we all were recommended going to Tartan Footprints. So I am here. Hope to meet interesting and nice people here)
Iain Sanders
I was on Scotster to Helen. Glad you made it here.
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helen borsok
My books about Scotland. The castles of Scotland and Ireland.Very big album with great pictures, it weighs 2 kilos!
Marilyn Sloper
Hi Helen, How long were you on Scotster?
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helen borsok
Have been there since January 2011. Met a lot of nice people there. But the site is being closed now.
Marilyn Sloper
Yes, we were told it would be closed down within a certain time frame, but the site has lingered on past that time. The wonderful people running it strongly suggested everyone move over to Tartan lots of us have. No regrets. Tartan is a great website and the people here are great!
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helen borsok
helen borsok
helen borsok
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