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October 8, 2015 by
in Craig Wardlaw
Marilyn Sloper
Not sure what this is. Nice blue, though.
Phillip Craig Wardlaw
From what I understand it has to do with the Wardlaw coat of arms. Still doing research
Marilyn Sloper
Is Wardlaw a sept of some larger clan?
Phillip Craig Wardlaw
Yes from what I understand. Just started trying to learn more
Deb Logan Nixon
Hang in there! You'll find a lot!
Phillip Craig Wardlaw
Thank you both.wish I could do the genealogy myself. People charge anywhere from 20$ a hour and up
Deb Logan Nixon
You can. I was blessed that my Granddad wrote a book back in 1971...way before the internet. That gave me a start. is a great help too.
Phillip Craig Wardlaw
Thank you
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